Mallberry Suites Hotel Cagayan de Oro

Mallberry Suites Business Hotel Logo

The real contact information Mallberry Suites Business Hotel

Well, we decided to publish. Thanks to Google Plus One.

But you may also want to go straight to the booking page if you want to book a room.

And thanks to Mallberry Suites Hotel Cagayan de Oro City the stuff right below here. Please note, it was not really our original intention to make this into an advertising site. We're just making the best of some bad decision in the past.

Local contact details (from within Philippines)

Phone: 088 854-1999 or 088 854-3999 (not sure if 088 854-9999 and 08822 72-4999 still work)
Fax: 088 854-4999

E-mail: or

International contact details Mallberry Suites

Phone: +63 88 854-1999 or +63 88 854-3999 (not sure if +63 88 854-9999 and +63 8822 72-4999 still work)
Fax: +63 88 854-4999

E-mail: or
